* Print Report * ** */ Purpose /*- To View / Print / Save reconciliation files for a specific acquirer cycle / settlement period in the following file formats: PDF XLS CSV */ Action: /* Navigate to the menu and select ‘Reconciliation’. From the drop-down menu, select ‘Print Report’. */ Action: /* If you have only one Merchant Card Acceptor ID, simply click on Submit. If you however have more than one, then click on the drop down and select the Card Acceptor ID for which you want the report before you click on Submit. The following screens and points highlight the various parameters that need to be selected before viewing the report. * Action: * Select the required Output format – either PDF or XLS. Find the acquirer cycle number you want to view and click on the actual cycle number. You ca

* Download Reconciliation - Download File * ** */ Purpose - /*To download and save the selected reconciliation file in XML format. */ Action: /* Navigate to the menu and select ‘Reconciliation’. From the drop down menu, select ‘Download File’. */ Action: /* If you have only one merchant Card Acceptor ID, simply click on Submit. If you however have more than one, then click on the drop down and select the Card Acceptor ID number for which you want the report before you click on Submit. Select the cycle you wish to view. */ Please Note:  /* If your file contains more than 10000 records, then the time in the message above will show 20 minutes. It is recommended that you click on the words Click Here and you will receive an email when your file is ready for retrieval.

Transaction Lookup * ** / Purpose /* - To lookup the details of a single transaction based on specific search criteria. / Action: /* Click on View then Transaction Lookup / Action: /* Click on the Application ID on which you want to do the lookup e.g., Live or Test / Action: /* Select the Date on which the transaction took place by changing the default date or by clicking on the calendar icon next to the date. If you are not 100% sure of the date, you are able to search in a range of up to + or – 2 days of the date you have selected by changing the 0 default to 1 or 2 in the +/- Days drop down next to the date. You then need to enter either the Transaction Index or the Merchant Reference number. If you do not have either of these numbers you are able to enter either the full credit card nu


* Purpose * - To view the list of Successful Orders for a selected Date or Period in order to check these against your confirmation emails or to view ALL details related to individual transactions. * Action: * In the menu bar, Mouse over Lite Transactions - View - Successful. If you only have one Application ID, this page will NOT be displayed, and you will be automatically taken to the Choose Date/Period page. Choose a specific *Application ID* * * Choose a date range to start your *Search*

Transactions – View - Successful ** * Purpose * - To view the list of Successful Transactions for a selected Date or Period in order to check these against your confirmation emails or to view ALL details related to individual transactions. * Action: * In the menu bar, Select Lite, Transactions, View, Successful. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Successful Orders for. Select the Date or Date range and click on Search. This will bring up the following pages for viewing. Choose a date and select Search * Action: * If a user wants to view the details (above) of the transaction, Details is selected to see more information pertaining the transactions.

Transaction -View – Authorisations ** * Purpose * - To view the transactions for which you originally only obtained an Authorisation. This allows you to now use that Authorisation code to Debit the cardholder by doing a Subsequent Transaction [1]   to debit the cardholder and obtain the money in your bank account. * Action: * In the menu bar, Select Lite, Transactions, View Authorisation. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Authorisations. Select the Date or Date range and click on Search. A list of transactions will be displayed *Choose a date *and select *Search* * Action: * This will give you the below screen reflecting the details of the Authorisation for either viewing of the details or you can print this page for use at a later stage. [1] /knowsystem/subsequent-transactions-

*Transaction -View – PayPal & Interbank Transactions* ** Should the merchant be processing the following transactions these tabs are also available for the merchant to view and search these transactions.

*Transactions - View – All Transactions* ** * Purpose * - To view a list of all transactions performed for a selected Date or Period. * Action: * In the menu bar, select Lite, Transactions, View, All Transactions . Click on the Application ID you wish to view Transactions. This will bring up the list of ALL transactions performed for your selection.

*Report – Lite Trading* ** * Purpose * - To print a report of processed transactions on a specific Application ID. * Action: * In the menu bar, select *Lite - Transactions - Reports - Trading Report*. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Transactions. *Choose a date *and select *Search. This will bring up the list of ALL transactions performed for your selection. *Transactions details for the last 6 months are available. Choose the applicable file format to download the trading report on a particular Application ID