Print Report – Batch Details * ** Purpose *- To view a list of all transactions performed for a selected Date or Period. Action: * In the menu bar, Select Batch - Print Report - Batch Details.  * Action: * The user will select the applicable application ID. Action: * The user will select the Date range and click on Search. This will bring up the list of ALL transactions performed for your selection. Action:  * Select the file format you wish to obtain from the drop down (either the default PDF, CSV or XLS) and then select the file from the list which you want to download and click on Print. This will bring up the following screen. The Print Button will start an automatic download to your PC.

Introduction to Enterprise

* Enterprise Introduction  *** The iVeri range of payment solutions, developed by iVeri Payment Technologies (Pty) Ltd provides proven credit card payment solutions for businesses that have online or physical presence. The use of Enterprise API's is ideal for merchants that want complete control & flexibility of the payment page and transaction mechanisms supported. Enterprise API’s currently support the following Webservices REST SOAP */Merchant Requirements/* Merchants are required to enter into a “Agreement” with an authorised Acquiring Institution. Once there is a merchant agreement in place, a merchant profile can be created With Enterprise calls to the Gateway, the presence of a certificate ID is required, with the actual physical certificate available as optional means to authentica

* Request Payment – Divert Parameters * * * * Context * * Parameter * * RequestForDebit * * RequestForAuthorisation * Core ApplicationID * M * * M * Core Category * M * * M * Core CertificateID * M * * M * Core Gateway * O * * O * Core Command * M * * M * Core Mode * M * * M * Common Amount * M * * M * Common Currency * M * * M * Common MerchantReference * M * * M * Common CardholderName * M * * M * Common CardholderEmail * C * * C * Common OrderDescription * O * * O * Common AllowBudgetPeriod * O * * O * Common RequestExpiryDate * O * * O * Common CreateTransactionUrl * O * * O *

Download File – By File * ** Purpose *– To download a selected file by a specific file name. Action: * From the main menu, the user will navigate to: Batch - Download File - By File.* Action: * Select the date range that the file was created/uploaded by manually changing the default dates above or clicking on the calendar icon next to each date and select each date in the calendar that is displayed. Then click on Search. The result of your search will then be displayed. Action: * Select the filename of the file you want to download. The following page will be displayed. Your selected file is displayed for you to download. Click on "Download". Select the file format you wish to obtain from the drop down (either the default Fixed File Text format or XML) and then click on Download. You can n


Enterprise * **

Developer Guides

Developer Guides * ** These Guides are for developers and will be specific to each of the iVeri products

BackOffice User Guide

BackOffice User Guide * ** This document details the functionality available in Backoffice for merchants. The merchant interface (URL) to be accessed depends on the acquirer in which the merchant has an agreement with.

Card Present Parameters

/ Sale/Purchase /* * Context * Parameter * Debit with Track2 * Debit with TransactionIndex * Credit with Track2 * Credit with TransactionIndex * Void * Core ApplicationID M * M * M * M * M * Core Category M * M * M * M * M * Core CertificateID M * M * M * M * M * Core Gateway O * O * O * O * O * Core Command M * M * M * M * M * Core Mode M * M * M * M * M * Common Amount M * M * * * * Common ExipiryDate M * M * * * * Common Currency M * M * * * * Common MerchantReference M * M * * * * Common MerchantTrace O * O * * * * Common BudgetPeriod O * O * * * * Common OriginalMerchantTrace * * * * * Common Track2 M * C * * * * Common PANMode M * C * * * * Common Terminal M * C * * * * Common AccountType M * C * * * * POS CashAmount O * O * * * * POS DeviceFirmware O * O * * * * POS DeviceFirmwareVe

Download File – By Application * ** Purpose:  * *– To download a processed file for a selected Application ID e.g., Live or Test or if you have more than one Live Application ID you can select the particular Application ID you wish to download. These could also be for the purposes of reusing the file for another entry. Action:  * From the main menu the user will navigate to: Batch - Download File - By Application.* Action: * The user will select the applicable Application ID for which you want to download the file i.e., Either Live or Test. Action:  * Choose the date that the file was created/uploaded in the range above by manually changing the default dates above or clicking on the calendar icon next to each date and select each date in the calendar that is displayed. Then click on Search

Black Card List

Black Card List * ** / Purpose /*- This is used to create a list of credit card numbers that you do not want to accept. The iVeri gateway will always check your list before sending the transaction to the bank for processing. If the card number is on your list, the transaction will be rejected immediately. The reasons for putting card numbers into this list are at the discretion of each individual merchant and will only be rejected by your business. / Action:  /* Click on Configure, Black card List. This will bring up the following screen / Action: /* If you have more than one Application ID and want to capture the card number to be blocked for all your applications, click on Go next to All Applications at the top. If not, then click on the Application ID in the bottom section and the next