MIT - Recurring & MOTO *
First Transaction *
When performing your first transaction using application id: 00000000-263b-4315-b2cd-000000000000, the gateway will return the TransactionIndex, masked PAN and Expiry Date, which you will need to store in your database.
Debit with PAN *
Process a COF transactions by setting CardholderPrense to “MOTO, Recurring ” and providing the full card details.
CardholderPresence": "MOTO, Recurring” PAN: ExpiryDate:
Debit with TransactionIndex *
Process a Recurring transactions by setting the PANFormat and “Sanitised/tokenised card details.
PANFormat PAN: ExpiryDate: TransactionIndex
The following field response values need to be stored on your database, linked to the card holder details.
TransactionIndex PAN ExpiryDate
Subsequent - Recurring Trans
First Transaction *
When performing your first transaction using application id: 00000000-263b-4315-b2cd-000000000000, the following options are available in
COF and Debit with PAN *
Process a COF transactions by setting CardholderPrense to “MOTO, COF” and providing the full card details.
CardholderPresence": "MOTO, COF” PAN: ExpiryDate:
COF and Debit with TransactionIndex *
Process a COF transactions by setting the PANFormat and “Sanitised/tokenised card details.
PANFormat PAN: ExpiryDate: TransactionIndex
The gateway will return the TransactionIndex, masked PAN and Expiry Date, which you will need to store in your database. The following field response values should be stored on your database, linked to the card holder details.
TransactionIndex PAN ExpiryDate
CIT with 3D Secure *
First 3DS Transaction *
When performing your first transaction using application id: 00000000-263b-4315-b2cd-000000000000, the gateway will return the TransactionIndex, masked PAN and Expiry Date, which you will need to store in your database.
The following field response values need to be stored on your database, linked to the card holder details.
TransactionIndex PAN ExpiryDate
Subsequent - Recurring Transactions *
Now comes the time you want to debit the same card. You will need to pass the following using application id 01010101-7694-4343-95EE-010101010101 which is not 3DS enforced.
Note that this is a different Application ID to the one used for initial transaction but must reside within the same user group.
For this transaction you need to also include the fo
* 3D Secure 2 implementation using the Form Post *
Merchant can POST Form variables to the 3DS 2 endpoint, which is redirect over the browser. On completion of the 3D secure process, the Gateway will return the result to the merchant ReturnURL. The result returned to the merchant will either allow for the continuation of the Authorisation/debit instruction or result in the termination of the transaction by the merchant to the customer.
Format: Form Data
* Form Post request Sample *
name="Form1" method="post"action=""
type="hidden" name="ApplicationID"
value="{ca8a6eae-a469-4b39-bef3-aa029ca3a806}" />
type="hidden" name="ReturnUrl" id="ReturnUrl"
* 3D Secure 2 implementation using the Pop-Up Method *
* Mandatory Requirements *
*Merchants can use the from the Gateway or they can build their own:*
jQuery = [portal domain]/scripts/jquery/js/https://jquery.min.js/
Bootstrap = [portal domain] /scripts/jquery/js/https://jquery.tdsbox.js/
*Step1:* Initialize the popup
Include the following javascript code on your webpage that you want to initiate 3DS from:
$(document).ready(function () {
tdsboxInitialise('[portal domain]',
*Step2: *Load the popup and shows the modal dialog
function loadModal() {
var jsonObject = {
ApplicationID : $("#ApplicationID").val(),
MerchantReference : $("#MerchantReference").val(),
Amount : $("#Amount").val(),
Currency : $("#Currency").val(),
PAN : $("#PAN").val(),
ExpiryDate : $("#Expiry
Request *
"Version" : "2.0" ,
"CertificateID" : "{4c96973f-71dd-4044-802d-6e234effe8f2}" ,
"ProductType" : "Enterprise" ,
"ProductVersion" : "WebAPI" ,
"Direction" : "Request" ,
"Enquiry" : {
"ApplicationID" : "{56cdf444-b238-4609-9137-148a34b08f59}" ,
"Command" : " MultiCurrencyPricing " ,
"Mode" : "LIVE" ,
"MerchantReference" : "Farm_1709" ,
"MerchantTrace" : "20220520_1706" ,
"Currency" : "ZAR" ,
"Amount" : "5000" ,
"ExpiryDate" : "1225" ,
"CardSecurityCode" : "001" ,
"PAN" : "5185520050000010"
< soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi = ""
xmlns:xsd = "" xmlns:soap = "">
< soap:Body >
< Execute xmlns = "">
< va
Multi-Currency Pricing (MCP) *
MCP offers eCommerce merchants the ability to sell their goods or services in currencies other than their base/local currency. This gives the merchant the ability to transact with new customers around the world while at the same time they can generate a new revenue stream. With MCP, the merchant prices goods/services in a currency other than, or in addition to, the merchant’s local currency.
The cardholder makes a purchase decision based on the price displayed by the merchant. The transaction is then completed with the price displayed by the merchant and the currency selected by the cardholder, with no currency conversion performed by the merchant.
MCP Transaction Flow *
Perform an enquiry message using MCP enquiry message. Merchant makes use of the return
Sample – DCC/MCP Request with Specified PAN and Base Amount *
Request *
"Version" : "2.0" ,
"CertificateID" : "{4c96973f-71dd-4044-802d-6e234effe8f2}" ,
"ProductType" : "Enterprise" ,
"ProductVersion" : "WebAPI" ,
"Direction" : "Request" ,
"Enquiry" : {
"ApplicationID" : "{56cdf444-b238-4609-9137-148a34b08f59}" ,
"Command" : "DynamicCurrencyConversion" ,
"Mode" : "LIVE" ,
"MerchantReference" : "Farm_1709" ,
"MerchantTrace" : "20220520_1706" ,
"Currency" : "ZAR" ,
"Amount" : "5000" ,
"ExpiryDate" : "1225" ,
"CardSecurityCode" : "001" ,
"PAN" : "5185520050000010"
< soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi = ""
xmlns:xsd = "" xmlns:soap = "">
< soap:Body >
Delete Code *
Function*: Delete a code that has been created
Delete Code Parameters *
Request Parameter
Mandatory, The action to perform.
Mandatory, The merchant id as captured on MasterPass.
Mandatory, The result code that must be deleted
Response Parameter
The action that was performed
Delete Code – REST Sample *
"Version" : "2.0" ,
"CertificateID" : "{xxxxxxxx-71dd-4044-802d-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" ,
"ProductType" : "Enterprise" ,
"Direction" : "Request" ,
"Enquiry" : {
"ApplicationID" : "{xxxxxxxx-68e0-42eb-aba9-xxxxxxxxxxxx}" ,
"Mode" : "Live" ,
"command" : "MasterPassQuickResponseCode" ,
"MasterPassMerchantID" : "xxxxx" ,
"MasterPassAction" : "DeleteCode" ,
Query Code *
Function*: Query a code that has been created.
Query Code Parameters *
Request Parameter
Mandatory, The action to perform.
Mandatory, The merchant id as captured on MasterPass.
Mandatory, The result code that must be queried
Response Parameter
The action that was performed
Short decription linked to the code
Date until the code is valid. This is in epoch time.
The name of the merchant as captured on MasterPass
Amount linked to the code.
The currency is tied to the merchant setup.
Linked to the code.
Query Code – REST Sample *
"Version" : "2.0" ,