
Enterprise * **

Add User * ** / Purpose /* - To add/capture the details for a new user / Action /*: Hover over to Users. The following screen will appear. Select “Add New User” Fill in all the mandatory fields (marked [*]) and click on “Save changes”. A resultant message will be displayed.

Advanced Fraud Screening ** The following optional input parameters are CyberSource specific per Line item: Discount  ItemCommodityCode  ItemDescriptor  ProductCode  Quantity  TaxRate  Total  UnitCost  UnitOfMeasure  PassengerFirstName  PassengerLastName  PassengerID  PassengerStatus  PassangerType Note: The fields in Blue will be used when doing Advanced Fraud Screening and is not recorded on the iVeri system. Since Line items are repeated, the advanced Enterprise methods openElement and closeElement must be used. The following is a code snippet in https://vb.net/ enterprise.setTag("ShippingTaxRate", shippingTaxRate) enterprise.setTag("TransactionDiscount", transactionDiscount) enterprise.setTag("UniqueVATInvoiceReferenceNumber", vatReferenceNo) Dim dr As DataRow For Each dr in myTable.Ro

Gateway Addresses

/ Nedbank Gateway /* – Applicable for Nedbank acquired merchants located in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland Website * URL * Port * BackOffice *   [1] https://backoffice.nedsecure.co.za/   443 * Lite   [2] https://portal.nedsecure.co.za/Lite/Authorise.aspx   Authorization Information   [3] https://portal.nedsecure.co.za/Lite/AuthoriseInfo.aspx   / CIM Hosted Gateway /* – Applicable for merchants acquired by CIM Finance in Mauritius Website * URL * Port * BackOffice *   [4] https://backoffice.merchant.cim.mu/   443 * Lite   [5] https://portal.merchant.cim.mu/Lite/Authorise.aspx   Authorization Information   [6] https://portal.merchant.cim.mu/Lite/AuthoriseInfo.aspx   / CSC Hosted Gateway */– Applicable for merchants that acquired by banks af

Refund – “Follow-Credit” ** Allows for a previously debited amount to be returned to the cardholders account using a detail of a previously processed transaction. REST SOAP Request { "Version" :  "2.0" , "CertificateID" :  "{5c4b9c74-0063-4240-9cff-f730675c5bd0}" , "ProductType" :  "Enterprise" , "ProductVersion" :  "WebAPI" , "Direction" :  "Request" , "Transaction" : { "ApplicationID" :  "{d8d5a94-8fa0-428d-a539-3a5baf166f7f}" , "Command" :  "Credit" , "Mode" :  "Test" , "Amount" :  "1000" , "MerchantTrace" : "20220812_1107" , "MerchantReference" :  "20221123_1106" , "TransactionIndex" :  "{CB7A9E38-4797-4513-85EE-AFE63C957ED3}" } } < soap:Envelope   xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"   xmlns:soap = "http://schemas.xmlso

3D Secure

3D Secure * ** 3D secure is an XML-based security protocol for online credit and debit card transactions. 3D Secure adds an authentication step for online payments, making it possible for cardholders to authenticate their online transactions with their card issuers, using a password or OTP. Benefits of using 3D secure * Reduces fraudulent debit & credit card transactions processed through online platforms Gives the merchants and acquiring bank liability protection 3D secure providers * CyberSource Bankserve 3D secure with iVeri * High: 3D secure – If a merchant is deemed high risk, the acquiring bank can set merchants on this level. Merchants that want lowest possible risk can also opt for this level. Medium: 3D secure/attempted- This option gives merchants a broader reach in the cards the

Refund – “Initial Credit” ** Allows the merchants to essentially “pay” or “credit” the cardholder without referencing any original or previously processed transaction REST SOAP Request { "Version" :  "2.0" , "CertificateID" :  "{cf4b7e7a-4fec-43b4-a2cb-221263c0a34b}" , "ProductType" :  "Enterprise" , "ProductVersion" :  "WebAPI" , "Direction" :  "Request" , "Transaction" : { "ApplicationID" :  "e7c523a4-7da7-4e59-b888-569fe65c535b" , "Command" :  "Credit" , "Mode" :  "TEST" , "MerchantReference" :  "20211014_0129" , "MerchantTrace" :  "NAHSI-1112" , "Currency" :  "ZAR" , "Amount" :  "1000" , "ExpiryDate" :  "1025" , "PAN" :  "4242424242424242" } } < soap:Envelope   xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"   xmlns:soap = "http://

Additional Data for Procurement Transactions ** Procurement transactions refer to transactions that contain the line item (or order basket) details. If the line-item details are sent to iVeri within a transaction, then a procurement card holder get those details from their issuing bank (for example on their monthly statement). This is of assistance in tracking business to business transactions particularly in large corporations. Procurement transactions are currently only available within distributor Nedbank. Coding for Procurement  * The following optional input parameters are Procurement specific per transaction: CustomerReferenceIdentifier  CustomerVATRegistrationNumber  DestinationCountry  DestinationZIPCode  NationalTax  NationalTaxIndicator  OrderDate  PurchaseIdentifier  ShipFromZIP

3D Secure

3DS 2 Parameters * ** Request Parameters * Parameter * Description * Merchant ReturnUrl Mandatory: The URL which the Gateway will post return response parameters to ApplicationID Mandatory: Merchant Application ID generated upon the creation of the merchant profile on the iVeri Gateway MerchantReference Mandatory: A merchant generated identifier that is unique within a specified time that identifies a transaction sequence. Amount Mandatory: The total value of the transaction in the smallest unit of the currency specified (eg in cents) Currency Mandatory: The ISO 4217 currency code of the value of the transaction. e.g., USD or ZAR or GBP PAN Mandatory: Card number used for transaction ExpiryDate Mandatory: The last month of the validity period of the card, formatted as MMYY or   MMYYYY Card

Administrator Password Reset

Administrator Password Reset * ** / Purpose /* – This is used when an Administrator would like to reset their existing password. / Action: /* From the menu, select the Administrator area and choose the option to change password. It is recommended that you use Alphanumeric and Special characters to ensure the password strength meter indicates a strong password. Save Changes once completed