Create Code *
Requirements *
Merchant must be onboarded for MasterPass on the iVeri Gateway and on the MasterPass platform.
Create Code *
Function: Generate a transactional code that can then be paid for by a cardholder. This code can be represented as a QR code, transferred using NFC or manually entered a device. The code can also be used as part of an In-App payment.
Create Code Parameters*
Request Parameter
Mandatory, The action to perform.
Mandatory, The merchant id as captured on MasterPass.
Mandatory, This will be displayed to the consumer at the time a code is scanned. Length is 5 to 45 characters
Optional. If this is empty the code will by default expire in 30 minutes from issu
* Reset Password *
Should a user have forgot their login password to BackOffice, navigate to the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.
The system will request you to enter your User Group / Merchant Profile ID and Username.
Once the user clicks on submit, a notification will appear that the user will receive an e-mail notification. The e-mail notification will contain a link that the user will access to change their password.
Now that the user has clicked on the link, they will be redirected to the BackOffice Reset Password page. Enter and confirm the new password. Lastly to action the new password change, click on Reset Password tab.
The following notification will appear on a successful password change.
Reset Password *
Should a user have forgot their login password to BackOffice, navigate to the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.
The system will request you to enter your User Group / Merchant Profile ID and Username.
Once the user clicks on submit, a notification will appear that the user will receive an e-mail notification. The e-mail notification will contain a link that the user will access to change their password.
Now that the user has clicked on the link, they will be redirected to the BackOffice Reset Password page. Enter and confirm the new password. Lastly to action the new password change, click on Reset Password tab.
The following notification will appear on a successful password change.
DiVert Batch Upload Response Code *
Error Description *
Possible Reasons *
Not a valid payment request Batch file
Can occur due to the following reasons:
Incorrect File format Type VXML tags that may be opened but not closed or Vice Versa
DiVertItem element Command attribute not valid
Check the Command file
Invalid Date
Make sure date is provided and on the correct format
User, Administrator, you have already uploaded a file, Teswa.XML, with applicationId, 8c4adb24-bda4-473b-af75-e4c4cd85ee05.
File with the same name already uploaded
DiVert Batch Result File Data Elements *
The result file data elements described in this section are returned to the merchant when the <CreateTransactionURL> in the “DivertUpload” file is set to “True”. Merchants can use the returned data elements to create and format their own payment request messages and send the requests to their cardholder using their own delivery method i.e. SMS|EMAIL
The Divert Batch has the following logic:
The <Divert> element can occur multiple times The <DivertItem> element can occur multiple times under a <Divert> element
Divert Attributes *
Tag Name
Data Type
The sum of the Amount sub-element values of all the <DivertItem> sub-elements
The number of <DivertItem> sub-elements
Divert sub-elements *
*** The Divert Batch Upload Data Elements ***
* The Divert Batch XML upload file uses the following logic: *
The <Divert> element can occur multiple times The <DivertItem> element can occur multiple times under a <Divert> element The Application ID used in the <DivertItem> elements should be the same through-out the <Divert> element
* Divert attributes *
Tag Name
Data Type
The sum of the Amount sub-element values of all the <DivertItem> sub-elements
The number of <DivertItem> sub-elements
*Divert sub-elements*
Tag Name
Data Type
The date when the batch was created (in which case the batch will be processed on the upload date) or a future date on which the batch should be process
DiVert API Process Flow *
DiVert Functionality *
The Divert API has a parameter “CreateTransactionUrl” that can be set to either “True or “False”. The value set determines how the Gateway handles and processes the message request.
Scenario 1 *
If CreateTransactionUrl” is set to“True” - the Gateway generates a transaction URL and makes a callback to the merchant with the URL.
The merchant can then construct and format their own message, including the URL (returned by the Gateway) and distribute the message to their cardholder using either SMS|Email
When the cardholder receives the messages, it will have all the particulars of the merchant, the cardholder can then click on the URL, and be redirected to a payment page wherein they can make a payment to the merchant
Scenario 2*
If CreateTransactionUrl is set to “Fal
*** Requirements ***
With the API, merchants are able to generate payment requests to their clients by implementing the “DebitRequest” command and include the specific data parameters that are expected in the message request to the Gateway. The data elements required in the “DebitRequest” command are covered in the Enterprise Documentation
In order to implement the DebitRuquest method, the following should be downloaded or in place.
Reference the Divert Specification Guide Reference the using the “RequestDebit” method in the Enterprise Documentation Merchant Agreement with an acquirer with Divert as the solution which will result in a merchant profile on the Gateway
Print Report *
Purpose *- To View/Print/Save reconciliation file for a specific acquirer cycle/settlement period in either:
Action: *
From the main menu the user will navigate to: Reconciliations - Print Report.*
Action: *
If you have only one Merchant Card Acceptor ID, simply click on Submit. If you however have more than one, then click on the drop down and select the Card Acceptor ID for which you want the report before you click on Submit.
The following screens and points highlight the various parameters that need to be selected before viewing the report.
Action: *
The user can select their preferred Recon Layout and Recon format.
Find the acquirer cycle number you want to view and click on the actual cycle number. It will download automatically for you to view.
/ Plea