*Report – Lite Trading* ** * Purpose * - To print a report of processed transactions on a specific Application ID. * Action: * In the menu bar, select *Lite - Transactions - Reports - Trading Report*. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Transactions. *Choose a date *and select *Search. This will bring up the list of ALL transactions performed for your selection. *Transactions details for the last 6 months are available. Choose the applicable file format to download the trading report on a particular Application ID

*Transaction – Payment* ** * Purpose *- This function allows you to pass a credit to any card without having a previous debit transaction. There is a limit to the amount that you can process a credit transaction for. Please speak to your Acquirer to obtain this limit. * Action: * On the main menu bar, Click on Lite – Transactions – Payments , select the relevant Application ID. A Capture Transaction screen will be displayed. Once the an application ID is selected, the system will allow you to manually capture and do the transaction, however this would require all the card details to be inputted and the set limits to be adhered to.

*Transaction – Subsequent Transaction* ** * Purpose * - Subsequent transactions allow a user with the correct permissions to further action a transaction that has been successfully processed. For example, a user can change the transaction type from an Authorisation to a Sale or from a Sale to a Refund. Action: * From the menu, select *Lite - Transactions - Subsequent Transactions.* * Action: * Click on the appropriate Application ID in which you can view transactions that have been processed. Once the transactions details are displayed you, perform refunds, or do a debit *Action:* Select the Date on which the original transaction took place from the drop down menu or select a period if you are not sure of the exact date and click on Search. This will bring up a summary list of all the tran

*Configure Application* ** * Purpose *- To receive e-mail confirmations after processing successful transactions and to set-up your transaction viewing preferences, you will now need to set up your choice of transaction configuration. * Action: * On the main menu go to Lite – Configure Application. * Action: * Click on the Application you want to configure, i.e., either the Test or the Live. Make the relevant changes and click on Submit Below are some of the details a user would need to configure under Application settings: E-mail confirmations can be sent to a cardholder.  Confirm the E-mail address confirmations are sent to and from. Customise the message on the payment page. Customise the message on payment request e-mail. Copy or Link Merchants Terms and Conditions Show Associated Logo

** *Customize Details* ** * Purpose: * Configuring your application is important. Configuring your application needs to take place before a user can process transactions. Lite users need to configure and customise the details pertaining to: Order Basket Card Holder details Transaction Details  Billing and shipping details *Note:*The fields that are ticked and greyed out are mandatory fields that cannot be configured. The merchant can configure the fields that they feel are applicable  and determine whether the fields require a prompt for input for the cardholder, appear on the invoice and/or show on the order details. How you want the basket details to look like on the payment page.

Customize *Card Details Capture Layout* ** * Purpose: * From the ‘Customise Card details capture Layout page, the Administrator can customise the look and feel of the payment page. This is a preview of the defaulted payment page that cardholders will see. * Action: * From the main menu the user will navigate to: *Lite - Configure Application.* Action: * Select the applicable application ID. * * * Action: * The user will select the 'Customise Card Details Capture Layout' tab. Action: * The user can upload the company logo to align with their company’s Corporate Identity. JPEG and PNG are the accepted file extensions.This can be done by clicking on the "Upload Logo" expansion button. The user will be able to access the assets from their PC and upload the file extension. *Under 'Style', the u

Transactions – View- Transaction History* ** Purpose *- To view a list of all transactions performed for a selected Date or Period. Action: * In the menu bar, Select Enterprise, Transactions, View, Transaction History. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Transactions. If you only have one Application ID, this page will NOT be displayed, and you will be automatically taken to the Choose Date/Period page. Select the Date or Date range and click on Search. This will bring up the list of ALL transactions performed for your selection. Choose a specific Application ID Choose a date range to start your Search Action: * Allows you to get details pertaining to a specific transaction – available when clicking on the actual transaction detail.

* View – Transactions History * ** * Purpose *- To view a list of all transactions performed for a selected Date or Period. * Action: * In the menu bar, Mouse over mPress, Transactions, View, Transaction History. Click on the Application ID you wish to view Transactions. If you only have one Application ID, this page will NOT be displayed, and you will be automatically taken to the Choose Date/Period page. Select the Date or Date range and click on Search. This will bring up the list of ALL transactions performed for your selection. Choose a specific Application ID Choose a date range to start your Search * Action *: Allows you to get details pertaining to a specific transaction – available when clicking on the actual transaction detail. Once edit is selected click on submit to continue th

Authentication - Manage Client Certificate

*Authentication - Manage client certificate* ** * Purpose * – This is important so that the iVeri gateway uses this certificate to authenticate the merchant processed transactions. * Action: * In the menu bar, Select Authentication , Manage Client Certificates. Select New Certificate, once the merchant has captured their own client certificate it should appear as indicated. Complete your merchant details on the screen below and select Submit. Download the certificate and save it into your local environment, by clicking the "Download" tab. *Please Note: * After a period of time the certificate would need to be renewed as it will expire, after which the merchant must select Renew in this menu item .