* 3D Secure 2 implementation using the Form Post *
Merchant can POST Form variables to the 3DS 2 endpoint, which is redirect over the browser. On completion of the 3D secure process, the Gateway will return the result to the merchant ReturnURL. The result returned to the merchant will either allow for the continuation of the Authorisation/debit instruction or result in the termination of the transaction by the merchant to the customer.
Format: Form Data
* Form Post request Sample *
name="Form1" method="post"action="https://portal.iveri.net/threedsecure/EnrollmentInitial"
type="hidden" name="ApplicationID"
value="{ca8a6eae-a469-4b39-bef3-aa029ca3a806}" />
type="hidden" name="ReturnUrl" id="ReturnUrl"
Download File – By Application *
Purpose: *
*– To download a processed file for a selected Application ID e.g., Live or Test or if you have more than one Live Application ID you can select the particular Application ID you wish to download. These could also be for the purposes of reusing the file for another entry.
Action: *
From the main menu the user will navigate to: Batch - Download File - By Application.*
Action: *
The user will select the applicable Application ID for which you want to download the file i.e., Either Live or Test.
Action: *
Choose the date that the file was created/uploaded in
the range above by manually changing the default dates above or clicking on the
calendar icon next to each date and select each date in the calendar that is
displayed. Then click on Search
* Application Parameters *
*/ Purpose /* – This function is used to allocate application ID(s) that a User is only allowed to have access to. This application refers to specific product and what a merchant uses to process transactions through iVeri.
Example below indicates that when you select a particular Application ID an Administrator can configure what functions can this user perform in a particular Application ID. If no function is associated to an Application ID, no access is granted to that user.
Administrator can configure what Transaction Types a user can perform on a specific Application ID.
If no Transaction Types are configured for a user, the user will be unable to process transactions for any of the Application IDs.
*/ Action /*:
Select the product and Live Application IDs
*Configure Application*
* Purpose *- To receive e-mail confirmations after processing successful transactions and to set-up your transaction viewing preferences, you will now need to set up your choice of transaction configuration.
* Action: *
On the main menu go to Lite – Configure Application.
* Action: *
Click on the Application you want to configure, i.e., either the Test or the Live. Make the relevant changes and click on Submit
Below are some of the details a user would need to configure under Application settings:
E-mail confirmations can be sent to a cardholder. Confirm the E-mail address confirmations are sent to and from. Customise the message on the payment page. Customise the message on payment request e-mail. Copy or Link Merchants Terms and Conditions Show Associated Logo
* / Purpose /* - The 'Active Session' tab reflects who is logged in and provides the menu options which the logged in user is able to access or use.
V4.139 7/2/2024
Release Notes Overview
The release notes provided in V1 of this document serve as an initial preview of the changes expected in the upcoming production release scheduled for November 12th, 2023, on the Hosted Gateway.
The definitive release notes for deployment in production will be included in V2 of this document.
The Gateway release notes will contain information related to the new iVeri software release. The release notes will include the impact of software release to the intended target audience.
The release notes will adopt the format outlined below, as applicable:
Compliance - Refers to the adherence of the software to specific industry standards, regulations, or internal policies. This includes ensuring that the software meets legal and regulatory requirem
*Card Details Capture Layout*
* Purpose: *
From the ‘Customise Card details capture Layout page, the Administrator can customise the look and feel of the payment page.
This is a preview of the defaulted payment page that cardholders will see.
* Action: *
From the main menu the user will navigate to: *Lite - Configure Application.*
Action: *
Select the applicable application ID.
* Action: *
The user will select the 'Customise Card Details Capture Layout' tab.
Action: *
The user can upload the company logo to align with their company’s Corporate Identity. JPEG and PNG are the accepted file extensions.This can be done by clicking on the "Upload Logo" expansion button. The user will be able to access the assets from their PC and upload the file extension.
*Under 'Style', the u
*Transaction – Payment*
* Purpose *- This function allows you to pass a credit to any card without having a previous debit transaction. There is a limit to the amount that you can process a credit transaction for. Please speak to your Acquirer to obtain this limit.
* Action: *
On the main menu bar, Click on Lite – Transactions – Payments , select the relevant Application ID. A Capture Transaction screen will be displayed.
Once the an application ID is selected, the system will allow you to manually capture and do the transaction, however this would require all the card details to be inputted and the set limits to be adhered to.